1938 Joyce P. Arnielle*..... Denver (1908-1990)
1940 Eileen Archibold*..... Denver (1899-1992)
1944 Mary Lou Donnellan*..... Boulder
1947 Mary Pemberton*..... Denver
1948 Grace Giehm*..... Denver
1951 Marguerite Vorbeck*..... Grand Junction
1953 Ruth Parks*..... Pueblo
1955 Ruth Graves*..... Fort Morgan
1957 Betty Higby*..... Colorado Springs
1959 Marjorie Jones*..... Pueblo
1961 Delores Kiser*..... Boulder
1963 Mabelle Darrow*..... Glenwood Springs
1966 Carline B. Owings*..... Wheat RIdge
1968 Middy Haver*..... Pueblo
1970 Frances Fairbanks*..... Denver
1974 Judy LaMora Hughes..... Colorado Springs
1976 Mary Lane*..... Littleton
1979 Virginia Sweigert*..... Grand Junction
1982 Jeannine Lincoln..... Parker
1986 Judy Broadway..... Englewood
1988 R.J. Doria..... Colorado Springs
1990 Maxine Shroyer*..... Federal Heights
1992 Jacque Stafford..... Grand Junction
1994 Judie Rupp..... Canon City
1996 Carol Singer..... Aurora
1998 Gaye Scherz..... Loveland
2000 Carole Brown*..... Glenwood Springs
2002 Marty Neilson..... Lyons
2004 Judy Roseborough..... Denver
2006 Sharon Sollenbarger..... Grand Junction
2008 Marolyn Scheffel..... Parker
2010 Jan Cummings..... Florissant
2012 Perry Buck..... Windsor
2014 Dulany Woodward*..... Buena Vista
2016 Marilyn Harris.....Pagosa Springs
2020 Brenda Bright.....Pueblo
2021 Barbara Piper......Lone Tree
Three CRFW Presidents have served as the NFRW President. Joyce P. Arnell of Denver was elected the first NFRW President at the founding meeting in Chicago in 1938. Earlier that year, she had been elected the first President of CFRW. Ruth Parks served as NFRW President in the 1961-62 term. Judy Hughes served two terms from 1986-87 and 1988-89.
The * indicates deceased.